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Multisensory board
  • Multisensory board
  • Typhlography board with audio system
  • Typhlography board
  • Typhlography board for the blind people
  • Multisensory board for the visually impaired people

Typhlographic plate with audio

Product code: TTMA
We present you a multisensory typhlographic board with a built-in audio system.
Typhlography boards are special boards designed based on the sense of touch.
They allow blind and visually impaired people to move safely and easily within the space of a given building. They are used in many public places: museums, art galleries, parks and ho
spitals. They enable blind people to access information that would otherwise be completely inaccessible to them.
The board we offer you includes, among others: rooms, routes and other important elements of the building tactilely reproduced on the board using convex elements, descriptions in Braille made using special balls, as well as a simplified and clear legend.
Our board also has a built-in sound system. There are several convex metal buttons on the board, when pressed, the built-in loudspeaker is activated. We can hear the audio description of the entire floor, find out where we are and what rooms are on a given floor.
The most important features of our boards are simplicity, readability and a clear message. The project is designed to describe a given space as precisely as possible and enable a blind person to explore it so that he or she can move around the facility completely independently.
Our product is placed on a stable metal stand at a height of 110 cm - the upper edge of the board and 90 cm - the lower edge of the board, in accordance with the standards of adapting space for people with visual disabilities. The board is mounted at an angle of 35 degrees so that the user can use it conveniently.
Install the board yourself.
The board is visually very attractive and eye-catching. It also helps sighted people find their way around the building.
It can be mounted outside and inside the building. We recommend installing it close to the entrance.
The given price is the price of the audio system itself (recordings and audio description up to 5 buttons). We estimate the price of a product after reviewing a given project, architectural projections, etc. It depends, among others, on: depending on the complexity of the project and other individual factors.
Net price for 1 pc.: 679,78 EUR
Gross price for 1 pc.: 836,13 EUR
Quantity in package: 1
Net price: 679,78 EUR
Gross price: 836,13 EUR

If you have additional questions, please contact us


Sample projects

  • Typhlography board with audio system
  • Multisensory board for people with low vision
  • Typhlography board
  • Multisensory board
  • Audio system

Products from the category Signs for the blind in Braille


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